Tasneem Hameed's Quotes

  •   Never, never give up what u deserve and never accept when u do not.

  • If you cannot discover happiness, invent it.
  • Never, never give up what you deserve and never accept what you do not.
  • Life is not what we are told, but what we believe and turn it in to.
  • Desires are like wild horses it requires intelligence and character to conquer them.
  • Never ever think that you know more than the person you are talking to if you don't want to be surprised.
  • Don’t let your thinking or believes argue with your faith as they are meant to augment rather than question.
  • When the die has been cast become part of the cast or the past.
  • Question is not what we like, but what we deserve.
  • It is better to say no to what we like than say yes to what we don’t.
  • Live life like a child and die like a youth.
  • It does not matter if the hill is steep or the rock is hard, what does matter is how high you can look.
  • When the night is darkest the coming day is the brightest.
  • The longer I live the bigger my contribution to the human average age.
  • Never take no for an answer from one who knows when you don’t know the answer yourself.
  • It is not the question of filling the White House, but fulfilling the dreams of so many homes.
  • Words are powerful, but not powerful enough to express true feelings.
  • Thoughts could change, but morals and ethics must never.
  • Listen, learn and lead.
  • It is said that justice is blind, why it is not dumb also.
  • Don't win, get understanding.
  • The gap between what we are and what we want to be can be filled by the belief what we can do.
  • The longer we wait for the appropriate time, the more it becomes inappropriate.
  • Never rely, but apply.
  • In this interdependent world we depend on other’s weaknesses for our success.
  • Do in the UN as the US do.
  • If you don’t know the answer, raise a question yourself, that’s back to square one.
  • Words are not the image of my thoughts, only their footprints.
  • There is no limit to the limits on you if you  limit yourself.
  • Don’t test God’s patience lest He reciprocates.
  • Who says nothing is impossible, many in the world are doing it.
  • To Whom It May Concern. Tell all the concerned that I am concerned by their concern.
  • Truth is touchstone of real success.
  • Life is what we make of it and not the other way round.
  • The first taste of defeat must remain in the mouth before enjoying the flavor of first win.
  • Defeat after winning may lead to another defeat if one has not enjoyed the win fully.
  • You cannot win if you have a habit of losing. -----
  • If losing is the mother of winning then pray for a big family.
  • Success does not mean absence of losing, rather contributing something.
  • A win win situation may be converted in to a lose lose situation if one’s win is not dependent on the other’s.
  • I feel satisfied only when I conclude that I had the right intentions.
  • You are not God, but see how He uses his powers.
  • We can go as far as we can see.
  • Give your life a chance, may be you started with a Z.
  • Never lose sight of what you cannot see.
  • If a system is running without anybody knowing how it is running, that is the best system.
  • A decision delayed is a decision denied .
  • When I lose track of myself, I go to my childhood.
  •   It is up to you to define your happiness.
  • Don't ask, what you cannot give yourself.
  • There is a fine line between initiative and interference, but what is that fine line, not for the doer, but those affected.
  • Don’t ask for favors, only your rights.
  • When the exceptions become the rule, see who is ruling.
  • Neither here, nor their, that is diplomacy.
  • It is easy to survive than to exist.
  • Don’t go too far in using your power, realize there is bigger one.
  • Globalization is power acquisition in the name of rationalization.
  • Never try to win an uneven race.
  • Never say die, until you die.
  • To err is human, and to blunder is super human.
  • To get the right job get your priorities right.
  • It is better to persuade than intimidate, talk than walk.
  • Always sound enthusiastic as it is music to the ears.
  • Words are not the image of my thoughts, only their footprints.
  • An apology is empathetic, a sorry is diplomatic and an admission is humanistic. 
  • Want to know about values now- a- days, contact mathematician or computer programmer. 
  • Truth is sacred, but must not remain confined and secluded. 
  • Don’t give up live up to your character. 
  • When small minds govern big and strong countries, humanity is the casualty.
  • Obama killed the enemy thousands of miles far, but could not persuade the closest friendly country for peace. 
  • USA realized that Al-Queda and Taliban are different after spending billions, getting killed millions. 
  • If the purpose of a political leader is to get power and retain power, how to differentiate democracy and dictatorship. 
  • When narrow political expediency becomes the rule, expecting exceptions is the only hope. 
  • Americans must know their money is wasted by their Governments on foes and friends alike.
  • There used to be great American leaders.
  • Where Obama put his Nobel Peace Award?
  • When a bond is based on negatives, the only positive that can happen is its breakage.
  • Al-Qaida and USA,  two great exponents of population control. 
  • Life is worth living despite the benefits of death now- a- days. 
  • Never lose hope, darkness does not mean night. 
  • A flicker of hope is enough to keep the spirits alive. 
  • Miracles will start happening when human mind will stop growing. 
  • Be first to give and last to receive. 
  • Those who decide matters of life and death, beware you are intruding Gods space, politicians, judges, doctors, have Gods compassion.
  • The higher you go the cooler it is, but not in politics. 
  • It is high time that low level thoughts at higher level are highlighted. 
  • Is there any right not to be hated?
  • It is high time that low level thoughts at higher level are highlighted.
  • Is there any right not to be hated?
  • Extremists everywhere are having a hay day.
  • What is the point in destroying, killing in the name of messenger of peace.
  • When peace becomes hostage to power at all levels and everywhere, the writing is on the wall.
  • Until power is made subservient to morality, humanity will continue to suffer.
  • Let hallucination gives way to imagination.
  • When politics becomes a profession, money becomes the strategic advantage.
  • Media promotes free expression at a very high cost, sometimes to itself and mostly to society.
  • Who said “Power flows from the barrel of a gun”?  Wasn’t  that a prediction for today?
  • Wound inflicted by words is lethal, but legal.  A food of thought for the law makers  the enforcers and the interpreters. 
  • Law declares what can and cannot be done. Does absence of law gives permission that anything can be done?
  • When I say I mean what I say, first go through my dictionary.
  • You may lie or die for others not for yourself.
  • It is difficult to sift truth from facts.
  • If you cannot discover truth, never try to invent it.
  • Truth leads to trust, but lies can never lead.
  • People feel happy when taken for their words, but becomes unhappy when asked to implement.
  • Visualize, empathize, conceptualize, strategies, formalize, scrutinize and realize.
  • Retrieve yourself, before you are lost.
  • If you don’t know your retrieval point, you will continue
 your journey, but in an unknown direction.
  • Learning is for understanding and applying not for preserving.
  • Experience is for learning, not for repeating.
  • Preserve good traditions, but persevere with innovation.
  • Protect your character when you talk, write or act.
  • Don’t make your comfort zone your protection zone.
  • It is better to say no than to do a bad job.
  • The space between success and failure of organizations is littered with “costly” mistakes, wounded facts and convenient decisions.
  • Hiring and firing is God’s attribute, follow his qualities before assuming them.
  • When one's economic safety is threatened it may lead to some one's personal safety.   

  • When moving up to the top don’t forget to look behind and ensure that values are not left behind.
  • There is no way back, if the only way out is the way forward.
  • Do not shy, from what, who, when, where and why.
  • Don’t be deterred by the risks on the way up, except risk to dignity.
  • Freedom without liberties is a body without soul.
  • Never bargain, only negotiate.
  • Handle words with care as they may damage you as well as others.
  • Don’t expect to win all the time you will soon cease to enjoy winning.
  • If you want to know about your values think about the moments you want to re- live.
  • Don’t always fly high, often fly at ground level to avoid coming to the earth.
  • If you know the unintended consequences of your acts, you can better analyze the facts.
  • To be said is not bad, you need rewinding too.
  • If rights are given as a favor, look out for a savior.
  • Rights must flow from responsibilities and responsibilities from competence and capacity.
  • Learn character from trees, values from roots and change from leaves.
  • To try and fail is better than fail to try.
  • Capture time before it freezes and starts writing history.
  • Trust no one if you cannot trust yourself.
  • Nothing is beyond you if you are in you.
  • Learn to respect, earn the respect.
  • Nothing can be achieved through accusations, complaints and excuses, except failure, and that is no achievement to be proud of.
  • Don’t sympathize only empathize.
  • If you cannot obliterate evil make it work hard.
  • If at every milestone there is a change in direction you will reach the starting point.
  • Hope, love and change are the most misused words.
  • If you walk on a tight rope you may fall, but will definitely on a false hope.
  • It takes time and sacrifice to build trust· 
  • Life is not what we are told, but what we believe and turn it into. 
